Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Can I Really Find A Free Psychic Reading?

Yes it is possible to get a free psychic reading. At, I found at least one website that will allow you to ask a question and get a computer generated psychic reading at no charge. This site also allows you to get a psychic reading on your favorite star and a one on one reading over the phone for a fee.

Many other sites offer the first 3-5 minutes of any reading free. It is very hard to sign off after just a few minutes as most of that time is taken asking your name and birth date. You called the psychic to hear a honest reading, as far as I am concerned they might as well not offer anything free. I do know that the word FREE is quite hard to resist for some, no matter what is being offered.

For the past 2 decades or more, psychic phenomena and psychics themselves, have become very popular with the public. We are seeing more television programming about psychics and psychic phenomena. Many psychic readers are mediums and have their own television shows that are watched by millions. These psychics are very accurate and have helped many people with problems and questions they have about loved ones who have crossed over to the other side.

There are also programs about those who will visit a home, business, or historical building and investigate allegations of a haunting by one or more entity. This is a form of psychic reading as they are trying to communicate with the spirit world, and there are times they succeed.

There are also television programs about psychic detectives and how they help to find missing persons and solve cold cases in conjunction with the police. These psychics use their abilities to learn what happened to any crime victim by visiting the site, or focusing on something that is owned by the missing person. This can, and has, been successful in leading law enforcement officials in the right direction to solve a case.

Many psychics are able to read a persons aura and tell if they are well. Many of them can channel positive energy to heal illness. Edgar Cayce was possibly the most famous psychic healer. He would give a psychic reading by entering a trance state and a spirit, taking control of his body and mind, would diagnose any illness that was apparent in the client and give instruction for treatment and cure.

There are many different types of psychic readers and true psychic readers are there to help others without regard to how much money they will receive or how it will affect their standing in the community or how others will look at them as being odd. A true psychic is happy to do what they can to make the world a bit brighter. Even those who are working with law enforcement to recover the corpse of a murder victim, are helping a family to find some closure to enable them to know what actually happened and put the worry of not knowing to rest.

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